Shameless self-promotion……In May 2021 I had the pleasure of working with Felicia Lo and her team at the School of SweetGeorgia (SOS) The result is an online video where I share techniques and thoughts regarding how to spin a better yarn.
Some of the learning includes:
- the need to pay attention, be present and mindful while you work with the fibre at hand.
- that every single choice we make along the way, changes the character of our yarn and changes the character of our fabric.
- how important it is to understand breed, fibre prep and draft twist and how they affect the character of your handspun.
- to be mindful of the fact that every time you handle the fibre, you learn more about the fibre’s characteristics and how best to work with it.
- how and why you would treat commercially prepared fibre with a soaking treatment.
- my preparation techniques for carded rovings and rolags using a blending board.
- how to ply through rings.
- record keeping techniques.
- how to package fibre for spinning.
- joining techniques.
- how to describe or assess your handspun, and more!
If interested in improving your spinning skillset the SOS has several other workshops you might be interested in as well. And the best part, not only is it a commute short, you can follow any course at your own pace with all your spinning equipment within easy reach. Cheers all! Kim