Because the yarn at the beginning and the end of my skeins were never quite as nice as the rest of the yarn, I used to discard the first and last few yards of yarn of each skein. Because I don’t like waste, a few years ago I started to spin a few yards of leftover bits of fibre at both the beginning and the end of my singles. Now when I ply, it is the leftover bits that are discarded.
Thanks for sharing!
You are most welcome!
What a great idea especially when spinning those really precious fibres! Thanks for the tip.
You are welcome! That is exactly why I started doing this….for those precious fibres and colours or when I might be needing every last bit of the fibre for a project.
Brilliant tip, Kim. Thanks.
You are welcome. Glad it helps!
Simple yet brilliant.
Thanks. 🙂
Your welcome Heather…its all those little things pulled together that can make a difference.