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Entre Soeurs & Laine

On my needles tonight is a heartfelt project for my sister who lives in Calgary. Brrrr!!! Kathi expressed the wish for a headband to keep her ears warm on winter walks through Fish Creek Park. Ever eager to help, I checked out my stash before she could change her mind.… Read More »Entre Soeurs & Laine


A friend recently asked me how and why I rewound commercial balls of wool with a nostepinne. HOW: First, I wrap a bit of the yarn around a stone or something else that gives a bit of weight to the end of the outer strand. The photo above shows my… Read More »Nostepinne

Stranded Knitting

I have taken a deep dive into stranded knitting lately. It is how I get my “colour fix”, since I am no longer dyeing my own yarns. Until now I had been keeping one colour on one side of me and the other colour on the other side. Then every… Read More »Stranded Knitting

Plying Hint

Because the yarn at the beginning and the end of my skeins were never quite as nice as the rest of the yarn, I used to discard the first and last few yards of yarn of each skein. Because I don’t like waste, a few years ago I started to… Read More »Plying Hint

Defining Moment #2

It was several years after the purchase of my first wheel when I realized most wheels perform better with regular maintenance. If my car needs maintenance or is not running properly I can take it to a mechanic. But when it comes to my wheel I am the mechanic. My… Read More »Defining Moment #2

Dizzing & Planking

If you enjoy hand woolcombing and your own fibre preparation you might like to check this out. This morning Spin Off magazine released a web post along with a short video demonstrating how I diz. If you are curious about planking as well as some of the finer points… Read More »Dizzing & Planking