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Eri Silk, Part II

HYDRATING ERI SLIVER The night prior to preparing rolags, I place a length of sliver in a baggie along with a damp cotton ball, which has been gently squeezed to prevent dripping. After tucking the damp cotton ball into a corner of the baggie away from the sliver, the baggie is… Read More »Eri Silk, Part II

Spin a Hand-dyed Braid 5 Ways

This course is now live on the School of SweetGeorgia website. See my “Workshops” page for SOS coupon codes. Each of these skeins was spun from SOS’s Beachside Brunch colourway. Left to right are a Gradient, Fractal, and Rill and Marled yarn. The Marled yarn incorporates a natural white as… Read More »Spin a Hand-dyed Braid 5 Ways

School of SweetGeorgia (SOS)

The SOS has released two free tutorials which you may be interested in. One, “Fractal Preparation with a Diz and a Hand Card”, reviews my technique for creating fractal yarns from handpainted braids. The other tutorial, “Dizzing Fibre off a Hand Carder”, demonstrates my technique for doffing fibre from a… Read More »School of SweetGeorgia (SOS)

Spin A Hand-dyed Braid 5 Ways

February 15, 2024 the School of SweetGeorgia launches my new course, “Spin a Hand-dyed Braid 5 Ways. In this course I demonstrate how you can achieve five distinct colour effects in your 2-ply handspun from a single colourway. I will also be demonstrating how I use my equipment in non-traditional… Read More »Spin A Hand-dyed Braid 5 Ways

Photo Gallery and Workshops

Some photos of recent works have been posted to my photo gallery. You will also find an updated list of all 2024 workshops as well as a retreat in August on Salt Spring Island. Below is a photo of six different colour effects spun from one Sweet Georgia Yarns colourway,… Read More »Photo Gallery and Workshops

Tips for Spinning Rolags

Here are a few tips if like me, you like the look and hand of handspun yarn spun from a rolag fibre preparation and a backward worsted spinning draft. Please note the following pointers are if you are spinning for a smooth, consistent yarn. Fibre Preparation When creating rolags on… Read More »Tips for Spinning Rolags

Taking the Pressure Off

This is my setup to help minimize the tug or strain on fine single strands of yarn while transferring them from a spinning wheel bobbin to a secondary bobbin for plying. The spinning wheel’s bobbin is placed on a kate (bottom left). The singles yarn is brought up and around… Read More »Taking the Pressure Off