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Nuances to Spinning a Better Yarn

Shameless self-promotion……In May 2021 I had the pleasure of working with Felicia Lo and her team at the School of SweetGeorgia (SOS) The result is an online video where I share techniques and thoughts regarding how to spin a better yarn. Some of the learning includes: the need to… Read More »Nuances to Spinning a Better Yarn

On my wheel….

On my wheel… I just love this watery blue. The colour is reminiscent of some of the rivers we have seen on our travels throughout this beautiful province of ours. It is a Merino Alpaca blend from Chaotic Fibres and is spinning up like a dream. Will share photos of… Read More »On my wheel….

Defining Moment #5

Fibre Prep: This post is a nod to my friend Marjorie, who nudged me to present this topic sooner rather than later. Yet another defining moment for me was when I realized I did not need to spin from a fibre preparation just the way it came. Many spinners tout… Read More »Defining Moment #5

Defining Moment #4

My ability to spin a consistent yarn took a huge leap forward when I recognized how to change the grist of my yarn without making changes to either the fibre prep or spinning ratio. I could spin a thicker yarn by simply working closer to the orifice and a thinner… Read More »Defining Moment #4

Spin Off, Winter 2021

When processed sliver or roving is packed up for storage or transport it can sometimes loose a bit of its character. My article in Spin Off’s Winter 2021 issue explains how I rejuvenate loft and crimp. The resulting rejuvenated sliver or roving feels and behaves more like my own handcombed… Read More »Spin Off, Winter 2021

Defining Moment #3

Defining Moments 1 & 2 were things I realized near the beginning of my spinning journey. This defining moment came to me in two parts, many years after I learned to spin. Together they have made a huge impact on my spinning. I most often spin using a continuous backward… Read More »Defining Moment #3

Spin On My Wheel Today

My current spin is for a shawl. I want to see how this handspun performs in fabric form before I start spinning for an all-over patterned sweater. This skein was spun from a white, beautifully prepared commercial sliver (purchased from Crafty Jaks). I will spin another 100 gram skein today… Read More »Spin On My Wheel Today

Defining Moment #1

Last weekend marked the last of 2020’s line up of spinning workshops. What a great group of people I have had the good fortune to work with over the past year….talented, inquisitive, creative, adventurous and hardworking. One of the things that kept percolating to the top of my mind as… Read More »Defining Moment #1